Dana Elfarra

Dana completed her Integrated Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering, focusing her research on wearable technology, which resulted in the development of a fall detection device with an integrated alert feature. In addition, her keen interest in biomechanics and rehabilitation engineering led her to collaborate with the Queen Elizabeth Hospital on a project investigating various orthotic treatment methods for diabetic patients.

I’ve always been fascinated by the intricacies of the human body and its capabilities. This inspired me to pursue a career in engineering, where combining technology and science drives the development of solutions that enhance and support human function.

Over the years, research has provided significant insights into muscle physiology and function, but what excites me most is the potential of emerging studies, particularly in the field of neurophysiology. These advancements deepen our understanding of motor control and pave the way for rehabilitation and assistive technologies breakthroughs. Working with Delsys allows me to support researchers as they push the boundaries of human performance and healthcare innovation.”

Steven Lindley