Use of Delsys Trigno™ with Magstim

Known as the smallest, the smartest, and the simplest EMG and motion recording biofeedback system, the Trigno™ Wireless System is designed to match the every-day needs of researchers who explore the effect of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) on the inner workings of the neurological system and associated disorders.

Designed to collect clean, reliable and consistent EMG and movement signals, the Trigno™ Wireless System can be interfaced with TMS devices from Magstim (UK), making it an ideal candidate for a wide variety of research applications that include:

  • Motor Control/Neurophysiology
  • Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Physical Rehabilitation


Delsys Trigno™ systems utilize patented parallel-bar technology to detect high-quality EMG data, which can be acquired and processed with our EMGworks® software. Key features of our hardware and software include:

  • Digitization of signals at sensor and wireless transmission to base station
  • Ultrasonically sealed electronics for shielding against magnetic interference
  • >750 nV RMS baseline noise and 1926 Hz sampling rate for precise MEP detection
  • Real-time raw and filtered feedback to maximize cortical map information
  • Signal Quality Check application to monitor quality of signal during data collection
  • Built-in EMGscript™ calculations, including thresholding, filtering, integration, RMS and more.

EMG and movement data provided by our Trigno™ system is capable of being acquired and processed by 3rd party software, such as Matlab, LabVIEW, or CED Spike. Data collected via EMGworks® Acquisition can also be exported as text files to 3rd party software for analysis contiguous with TMS motor mapping data.

Jali-Delsys: Co-marketing/sales arrangement is for the US market only.
Disclaimer: Designed for research investigations and educational purposes.
Trigno™ Intended Use: Biofeedback and muscle re-education.
Magstim Intended Use: Stimulation of peripheral nerves.