Multi-channel EMG sensors have been employed to provide a greater amount of input data for pattern recognition algorithms to create a more natural and intuitive human-machine interface. By using HDsEMG to decode the human motor intent, discrete patterns of regional muscle activation can be mapped to control outputs for the replication of specific movements of multi-functional prostheses with higher degrees of freedom.
When using the myoelectric signal from amputees for controlling an external device, HDsEMG offers a further option to increase the reliability of obtaining a functional signal from the residual limb. As amputees often have complications at the remaining limb due to changes in muscle architecture or muscle atrophy, a greater degree of spatial information may help in obtaining an increased understating of muscle activation.
Similarly, to widen the potential real-world applications of EMG within myoelectric control, there needs to be less expert knowledge needed to be able to work with the technology. Using standard bi-polar EMG to decode movement patterns for mapping within myoelectric control requires the electrodes to be placed on specific muscles. This may limit more novice users from being able to obtain accurate signals. Multi-channel EMG recording set-ups increase the spatial sampling of the myoelectric signal and hence put less emphasis on the placement of electrodes on particular muscles.